Friday, September 25, 2009


Build a fire.
Remove one full graham cracker from box and reseal. Notice graham crackers are scored twice, creating four sub-crackers. Break graham cracker in half width-wise, one for top cracker. Or buy smore ready Graham Crackers
Unwrap the Hershey-style chocolate bar. Break bar into smaller pieces as indicated by manufacturer's indentations in the surface of the chocolate. Eat one to test for consistency and freshness. Place one or two of these small chocolate pieces on the base cracker.
Open the bag of marshmallows. Eat one to test for consistency and freshness. Carefully insert the clean hot dog style roasting fork (or, if you're really "roughing it", a long, thin branch) into right side of marshmallow.
Suspend marshmallow 3-12 inches above coals of established campfire, keeping hands and clothing a safe distance from fire or heat. Rotate marshmallow slowly. When marshmallow is lightly browned, remove from heat. Without waiting, place hot melted marshmallow on top of the base cracker and chocolate. Remove roasting fork or branch using the graham crackers and place in a secure place.
Place top cracker on marshmallow. Hot marshmallow will melt chocolate pieces. When marshmallow is still warm, but not hot enough to remove the flesh from the roof of your mouth, eat graham cracker with melted chocolate and marshmallow.
Eat it while it's hot

Thursday, September 24, 2009


1Obtain a clean, long-handled stick or barbeque fork suitable for spearing marshmallows.
2Extended clothes hangers work well too.
3Push one or two marshmallows onto the end of the stick or barbecue fork so the entire marshmallow is secured.
4Hold the marshmallow over the fire or coals, positioning it so the marshmallow is suspended 1 to inches above the heat source.
5Rotate your utensil when the underside is a warm brown color, so the uncooked side hovers above the fire.
6Continue to rotate the marshmallow until all sides are golden-brown.
7Remove the marshmallow from the fire, keeping in mind that metal utensils can get pretty hot on the end nearest the fire - handle with care.
8Slide the golden brown goo gently off the utensil when it has cooled and you're able to comfortably touch it.